Saturday, February 7, 2009

let now be a moment of life

Odds are we spend so much time looking for the next thing we miss the now thing. I often wonder why that is. I believe it is because we have constantly been filled with a fallacy that there is more to life than what we already have. In reality this is life. Every minute, every second, every moment we are living and we are witnessing miracles. Yet we believe we are suppose to witness some huge life changing moment. Is it possible that we are to witness every small life changing moment that we thinking nothing about? I don’t know if we are or if we are not. This is patience in its truest form. It’s experiencing, not just passing time to get to a moment that more than likely will let us down. And then there will be one moment that will just touch your life forever. It will happen in one of two ways: one it will be a moment that yourself will have a discovery within that you are enough and a discovery of your true”ness”; and the second will be a moment that you never thought would happen. You will meet this one person that you will think of every moment of the day. Now there is a third moment… it is one moment that only happens once, maybe twice in a lifetime. The moment that you think of someone every moment of the day and something phenomenal happens… they too are thinking of you every moment of the day. Until this phenom happens… do not let now slip through your fingers. Let now become your glory. Let now be your patience. Let now be your life.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

passing by

As our days pass by... the interesting thing is that our life too is passing by. We often reach these points in our life and ask what is our purpose. We often think we must continue to thirst for more knowledge. But knowledge to is a tangible item. We must understand there are various types of knowledge. Knowledge is our talents and knowledge is truth of what is real and what is happening. "Our life passes by even as if it were a dream..." "Trust not in the arm of flesh". Who can we trust in? "The Kingdom of God is within us". "We believe in worshiping God Almighty according the dictates of our own conscience". "Know that I am God through stillness". Who can we trust??? Our God-self, our God.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Patience and living

When you think about it patience is our life. Without patience you’re in a rush to somewhere as if there is an arrival. But it’s in your travel that you will live your life. Patience can have many different meanings, they all lead back to one root source, which is knowledge. Knowledge is the key to a man’s salvation. It’s taught in the holy scriptures, in the Koran, and everyman with wisdom has sought this fulfillment through knowledge. But where does the knowledge come from? That is where patience comes in. Often time we hear someone say “you have to have a lot of patience with him”. What do you even mean by that is my questions? Because he may not have discovered his true”ness” as of yet? Or maybe you also have not yet discovered your true”ness”. Or maybe he has discovered his and you do not understand or cannot see in side of his world. Patience is the path to knowledge. A man with patience will remove himself from the action for a portion and evaluate what is going on in all realms of his life. Often times we get so caught up in living life we forget to make the minor adjustments. I guess that’s where God comes in and humbles us with some discontent until we finally realize, ok… something has to change. The patience then steps in when we find out the a missing link to our development of talents. Patience is asking the question “What is God trying to teach me right this moment?” And the more you ask yourself that questions and seek to apply his direct communication with you, the more you are applying patience and not fretting about the situation nor the destination, but you are then living life. As your days pass by, so does your life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Things happen for a reason

I earlier wrote an entry that I was to post on my blog. It taken away and I had saved it on my computer. God has restricted me to post such a blog. I ask those that read this to awaken and pay attention to what is happening.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Seek ye yourself?

As I study this morning I came to a further understanding of the importance of discovering our true “ness” and how to even more develop my true “ness” to its fullest. “But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God” (Jacob 2:18) In Luke 2:19 it reads “The kingdom of God is within you.” If the kingdom of God lies within us, and we are to first seek the kingdom of God, are we not first to seek out our true “ness”? Are we not to first look inside of ourselves? In a previous post I wrote about “Silence is Golden”. “Be still and know God” (Psalms 46:10). Be still and we may come to learn who we truly are? Will we learn what makes us tick? What creates energy inside of us? Recently I have truly sought silence and stillness. I now meditate 2 times a day for twenty minutes each period. There is an amazing stillness inside. The benefits are amazing. But my mind during the day is the best part. I think clearer, I understand better, I learn more, I apply quicker. I believe now more than ever Joel Olsteen is on to something so powerful with his book “Become a Better You.” Most people on a quest for something more all come to this realization. We, who we are, is enough in God’s eyes to receive his love. But to receive his glory, it is not enough. We are intelligences. And this is the glory of God. If we wish to receive God’s glory, we must increase our intelligence, by increasing our talents. Our current intelligence is not working perfectly, we must seek to becoming our best self possible. And this can and will not be completely reached in this mortal experience. Please recognize that. The search begins with in you and will always continue with in you. Once something is discovered it is required that we share it and cultivate it with others. “Love God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind… love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) When we love God, we truly love ourselves. When we truly love ourselves, we truly love God. And even more when we acquire this, we must also learn to love our neighbor. As we truly love our neighbor, it increases the love we have for ourselves and for God. Everything begins with in yourself and discovering your true “ness”.
“Believing is not enough, becoming Christ like is required” – Charles Deitier

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Silence is Golden

“Be still and know that I am God.” (D&C 101:16 in the LDS Scriptures) Recently I have been learning how to meditate. It is a experience unlike any that I have ever experienced before in my life. It zones out every sense of rush and urgency in my life and brings me even more so to the realization of the now. Friends, there is no beginning and there is no end. The experience and the journey of today and right this moment is the greatest enjoyment. The continual learning process and knowledge that can flood our minds is the drive and motivation. As we learn things and apply the truths, then the governing laws say we must feel happiness.
As I was conversing with my friend Denise last night, (Denise I hope you feel special that your name was mentioned on my blog) I was sharing with her my new found knowledge of the meditation process and she said something that triggered my mind in what my instructor Lynn was talking to me about. It is the consciousness of silence. Denise talked about the early saints and the days of regular manual labor. They did not have ipods in their ears as they were plowing their fields, nor a radio as they traveled down the roads in their buggies, nor did they have a cell phone they were constantly texting on or ringing at all times of the day for everyone to get a hold of them. And yes these are amazing tools that make our lives much easier, yet they have conditioned us out of what God is sharing with us to truly get to know him. “Be still and know that I am God”. Moses taught the people in the old testament “…Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord…” (Exodus 14:13). In Psalms 46:10 we learn “Be still and know that I am God.” Stillness is silence. Seek this stillness and enter into silence. Then will your understanding become clear.

Also a great poem I got from my friend Denise on Stillness

Let us then labour for an inward stillness-
An inward stillness and an inward healing;
That perfect silence, where the lips and heart
Are still, and we no longer entertain
Our own imperfect thoughts and vain opinions,
But God alone speaks in us, and we wait
In singleness of heart, that we may know
His will, and in the silence of our spirits
That we may do His will, and do that only.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "Quiet Time"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Negative thought a sin

The problem with sin is not the sin, but when we choose to sin our heart becomes sinful. A sin is the start of a negative affirmation we condition to become a part of us. When we choose to replace a negative thought with a positive thought we are applying the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Often times a thought of rejection, fear of not being enough, or any fear develops in our subconscious mind… I believe anchored to what we call our heart many times. We must apply the atonement by using positive affirmations. This is continually repenting, it is recognizing our sins, a desire to change them, then applying faith in belief which leads to faith in action. If we believe it, it will happen. We choose to believe. I never really understood this. Because sometimes it is easier for us to choose to believe some things then it is to believe other things. Just the same as we think how could anyone ever have such a problem with pornography, or alcohol, or this, or that, or whatever it is? I ask how is that many of us can have such a problem with negativity? It is an awakening of our subconscious mind and a softening our heart. It is becoming consciously aware of life and choice. These are the beginning steps to discipline. There is only one choice, love. We often hear this as two choices. But it is automatic. If we do not choose love, by default fear enters our lives and captures our heart. So tomorrow morning start your day of by saying I choose love. Start conditioning yourself with the positive and truly apply the atonement on a deeper level. When we condition ourselves with the little things, the bigger worries will almost seem to disappear.