Saturday, February 7, 2009

let now be a moment of life

Odds are we spend so much time looking for the next thing we miss the now thing. I often wonder why that is. I believe it is because we have constantly been filled with a fallacy that there is more to life than what we already have. In reality this is life. Every minute, every second, every moment we are living and we are witnessing miracles. Yet we believe we are suppose to witness some huge life changing moment. Is it possible that we are to witness every small life changing moment that we thinking nothing about? I don’t know if we are or if we are not. This is patience in its truest form. It’s experiencing, not just passing time to get to a moment that more than likely will let us down. And then there will be one moment that will just touch your life forever. It will happen in one of two ways: one it will be a moment that yourself will have a discovery within that you are enough and a discovery of your true”ness”; and the second will be a moment that you never thought would happen. You will meet this one person that you will think of every moment of the day. Now there is a third moment… it is one moment that only happens once, maybe twice in a lifetime. The moment that you think of someone every moment of the day and something phenomenal happens… they too are thinking of you every moment of the day. Until this phenom happens… do not let now slip through your fingers. Let now become your glory. Let now be your patience. Let now be your life.