Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Seek ye yourself?

As I study this morning I came to a further understanding of the importance of discovering our true “ness” and how to even more develop my true “ness” to its fullest. “But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God” (Jacob 2:18) In Luke 2:19 it reads “The kingdom of God is within you.” If the kingdom of God lies within us, and we are to first seek the kingdom of God, are we not first to seek out our true “ness”? Are we not to first look inside of ourselves? In a previous post I wrote about “Silence is Golden”. “Be still and know God” (Psalms 46:10). Be still and we may come to learn who we truly are? Will we learn what makes us tick? What creates energy inside of us? Recently I have truly sought silence and stillness. I now meditate 2 times a day for twenty minutes each period. There is an amazing stillness inside. The benefits are amazing. But my mind during the day is the best part. I think clearer, I understand better, I learn more, I apply quicker. I believe now more than ever Joel Olsteen is on to something so powerful with his book “Become a Better You.” Most people on a quest for something more all come to this realization. We, who we are, is enough in God’s eyes to receive his love. But to receive his glory, it is not enough. We are intelligences. And this is the glory of God. If we wish to receive God’s glory, we must increase our intelligence, by increasing our talents. Our current intelligence is not working perfectly, we must seek to becoming our best self possible. And this can and will not be completely reached in this mortal experience. Please recognize that. The search begins with in you and will always continue with in you. Once something is discovered it is required that we share it and cultivate it with others. “Love God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind… love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) When we love God, we truly love ourselves. When we truly love ourselves, we truly love God. And even more when we acquire this, we must also learn to love our neighbor. As we truly love our neighbor, it increases the love we have for ourselves and for God. Everything begins with in yourself and discovering your true “ness”.
“Believing is not enough, becoming Christ like is required” – Charles Deitier