Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Negative thought a sin

The problem with sin is not the sin, but when we choose to sin our heart becomes sinful. A sin is the start of a negative affirmation we condition to become a part of us. When we choose to replace a negative thought with a positive thought we are applying the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Often times a thought of rejection, fear of not being enough, or any fear develops in our subconscious mind… I believe anchored to what we call our heart many times. We must apply the atonement by using positive affirmations. This is continually repenting, it is recognizing our sins, a desire to change them, then applying faith in belief which leads to faith in action. If we believe it, it will happen. We choose to believe. I never really understood this. Because sometimes it is easier for us to choose to believe some things then it is to believe other things. Just the same as we think how could anyone ever have such a problem with pornography, or alcohol, or this, or that, or whatever it is? I ask how is that many of us can have such a problem with negativity? It is an awakening of our subconscious mind and a softening our heart. It is becoming consciously aware of life and choice. These are the beginning steps to discipline. There is only one choice, love. We often hear this as two choices. But it is automatic. If we do not choose love, by default fear enters our lives and captures our heart. So tomorrow morning start your day of by saying I choose love. Start conditioning yourself with the positive and truly apply the atonement on a deeper level. When we condition ourselves with the little things, the bigger worries will almost seem to disappear.